If it weren't for friends and my hubby- I would be a wreck!
Erin and I were talking about shoping and how we don't really go anymore now that we are older. I was like a shoping star in HS & College-- then the real world hit and I 1) don't do it very much cause I know I can't buy stuff 2) don't really enjoy it as much when I do- cause I don't look as cute in stuff as I did when I was in HS & college. Anyway... Erin and I made the commitment to go shopping for her for fall clothes. I am sure I need some stuff too-- but not right now. So in honor of this grand shopping plan... I found this t-shirt online. Maria- you will love this. It's something men don't get about shopping and well- It really is kind of how womens minds work!

"'Buy me, Lady" said the frock, "and I will make you into a BEAUTIFUL and WHOLE and COMPLETE human being."
"Don't be silly," said the man, "for a frock alone cannot do that"
"TRUE," said the lady "I will have to have the shoes and the bag as well"
HAHAHAHH!! I love it! Even though I have never shoped that way- I understand- it's about the whole look.
Have a great day peeps!